The Complex Operating Unit of Pelvic Floor Proctology and Surgery deals with colorectal diseases and dysfunctions of pelvic floor organs. The advanced clinical and instrumental diagnosis of these diseases is carried out and, consequently, their treatment is planned in the outpatient setting (when possible) or through hospitalization. Surgeries are performed, when indicated, using the most modern technologies available today.
Description of the structure
The patient's management includes an outpatient evaluation (if necessary both pre- and post-operative), possible hospitalization and surgical intervention. The UOC surgical team follows the patient in the pre- and post-operative phase.
Conditions treated
- Haemorrhoidal disease: faecal incontinence, Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS), rectocele, internal and external rectal prolapse, enterocele
- Solitary ulcer of the rectum
- Multi-compartment prolapse
- Abscesses and perianal fistulae: abscesses and fistulae from Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Rectolitis (URC) and ano-vaginal and recto-vaginal fistulae
Services provided
- Haemorrhoidal dearterialisation and mucopaxia; Haemorrhoidectomy with radiofrequency scalpels and ultrasound)
- Treatment of Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS), of the Rectocele, of the internal rectal prolapse (rectal invagination, rectal intussusception) and external, of the Enterocele (robotic or laparotomic ventral Rectopexy; posterior Rectopexy; Rectopexy sec. Delorme; Interventions by Altemeier)
- Surgical treatment offaecal incontinence: Sacral neuromodulation; Artificial anal sphincter implant; Anal sphincteroplasty (repair of sphincter lesions)
- Treatment of abscesses and perianal fistulas (with minimally invasive and conventional techniques)
- Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease and ulcerative rectal disease (UCR) abscesses and fistulas
- Surgical treatment of ano-vaginal and recto-vaginal fistulas
- Surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa
- Surgical and non-anal fissure treatment
- Surgical treatment of sacrococcygeal cyst and fistula (pilonidal sinus)
- Advanced diagnosis and surgical and non-operative treatment of anal condylomatosis and anal papilloma virus (HPV) infection pathologies: intraepithelial (AIN), in situ and invasive neoplasms of the anorectum)
- Advanced diagnosis and surgical treatment of anorectal cancers
Outpatient activity
- Proctological examination and anoscopy
- Endoanal ultrasound
- Transrectal ultrasound for rectal diseases
- Anorectal manometry
- High-resolution anoscopy, execution of anal swabs for HPV-DNA screening and anal cytology ("anal PAP-test")
In agreement with the NHS and in Private Activity: from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 13.00 (affiliated NHS clinic), and from 14.30 to 19.00 Internal Free-Professional Activity (ALPS)
Scientific research activity
The Complex Operating Unit of Proctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery hasfor many years developed a specific interest in scientific research in the field of coloproctology. Several surgical techniques were born or perfected at this UOC. Numerous scientific studies have been published in major international scientific journals. The doctors of the UOC actively participate in National and International congresses. Numerous international congresses have been organized by the UOC of Proctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery.
At the moment many scientific protocols are underway on topics of primary importance and great clinical and scientific relevance. Some of these are implemented in collaboration with important Italian and international Centres.
Teaching activities
The teaching activity of the Complex Operational Unit of Proctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery takes place at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, through lectures to students of the course in Medicine and Surgery. This UOC is also the organizer of the University Master's Degree in Proctological and Pelvic Floor Surgery, which includes theoretical and practical activities at the operating rooms of the Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital .
The UOC of Proctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery organizes and coordinates the Theoretical-Practical Course on "Repair of obstetric birth injuries (OASIS)" which takes place annually during the Congress of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP).
- Inpatient department: every day from 17.00 to 18.00
- NHS affiliated outpatient clinic: Mod – Fri 08.00 – 13.00
- Private activity outpatient clinic, Internal Free-Professional (ALPS): Mon – Fri 14.30 – 19.00