Charter of the rights and duties of the patient

With the formalization of the Charter of the Rights and Duties of the Patient, the Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital intends to make its own the principles of Hospitality – and of care for the sick and their family members – which were of San Giovanni di Dio, the founder of the Fatebenefratelli Hospital Order.

To do this, the collaboration of the sick, family members and visitors is necessary so that the Hospital can really be a place where, even in the presence of suffering and anxiety, the sick person can be helped to regain health in all its aspects: physical, psychological and spiritual.

The rights of the sick are inscribed in the broader horizon of the fundamental human rights that the Hospital recognizes and protects in the context of its care activity. Likewise, access to the Hospital expresses a relationship of trust and respect on the part of the citizen towards health personnel, an indispensable prerequisite for the setting up of a correct therapeutic and welfare program.

Given that as a person the patient is subject to the same universal rights as all men, it must be considered, however, that certain particularities come into play in him due to his situation of fragility that require greater sensitivity and solidarity.

 The Hospital therefore guarantees the patient the following rights:

  • The right to equality in care and assistance
  • Right to information on medical performances and services
  • Right to identification of operators
  • Right to availability of the Services Charter and the Charter of Rights and Duties
  • Right to information about your state of health
  • Right to express consent to health treatment
  • Right to the presence and participation of the family
  • Right to affirm the refusal of any therapeutic action
  • Right to avoid unnecessary suffering and pain
  • Right to religious and spiritual assistance
  • Women’s right to give birth in anonymity
  • Right to confidentiality of personal and sensitive data
  • Right to compliance with quality and safety standards
  • Right to comprehensive care throughout the patient’s journey
  • Right to information and consent to trial
  • Right of access to clinical documentation
  • Right to file reports, complaints, commendations
  • Right to compensation for damage caused by medical treatment
  • trattamento sanitario

Particular attention is also paid to the protection of the patient’s rights in the final stage of life and the rights of minors, including terminal fetuses, premature and term babies, children and adolescents.

If the patient considers that the above rights are not guaranteed, they may contact the URP to make a report or lodge a complaint. You can also read the full version of the Charter of Rights and Duties of Patients. This document contains further information on how to exercise rights and duties.

 The patient/user, by choosing our Hospital, also undertakes to:

  • maintain responsible behavior in respect and understanding of the rights of other patients, and with the willingness to collaborate with medical, nursing, technical and hospital staff;
  • to comply with all the provisions of the law, the rules that, from time to time, the Health Directorate may issue for the overall good of all hospitalized patients, the behavioral rules that are taught by the medical and nursing managers of the individual departments;
  • to avoid any behavior that may create situations of disturbance or discomfort for other patients and to maintain an attitude based on mutual respect;
  • to comply with the therapeutic and behavioral indications received from the operators in order to facilitate the success of the treatment.
  • respect for the environments, equipment and furnishings of the Hospital, which are the heritage of the community and therefore also its own.

It is the duty of each patient to promptly inform health facilities of their intention to renounce already planned services, whether outpatient, inpatient or emergency room, to avoid wasting time and resources. The Hospital undertakes to promptly inform the citizen of the impossibility of performing the services on the scheduled dates.

In addition, in respect of the place of care and the suffering of the sick, family members and visitors must:

  • respect patients and their privacy;
  • respect all personnel in different professional activities;
  • absolutely refrain from carrying out any administration of drugs or any act of care unless previously agreed with the personnel in charge;
  • follow all the indications that can be given so that the patient regains health in its various dimensions as soon as possible: physical, mental and spiritual.
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