Internal Medicine

The Internal Medicine department has 10 hospital beds distributed within the Medical Area, which is shared with other specialties (Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine for gastroenterology, Digestive Endoscopy, Oncology, Neurology, Nephrology).

Main conditions treated

In the Internal Medicine department, patients with complex internal diseases are treated, which often require multidisciplinary skills, and patients with respiratory diseases admitted to the Emergency Room or transferred from the Resuscitation Center, who need non-invasive mechanical ventilation or continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring. 

Services provided

Emergency admissions from the Emergency Department and ordinary admissions for transfer from other departments of the hospital or by call from the waiting list.

Outpatient activity

For many years the Pneumology, Arterial Hypertension, Rheumatology, Clinical Pathophysiology service and the clinic for the monitoring of oral anticoagulation therapy have been active as part of the assistance activities to Internal Medicine; the activities carried out by Clinical Pathophysiology concern the execution of simple and global spirometries, DLCO, bronchodilation tests, exhaled nitric oxide tests, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, lactose/lactulose breath tests. 

Teaching activity

As part of an educational agreement with the School of Specialization in Internal Medicine of the Catholic University of the Holy Heart of Rome, the UO of Internal Medicine is regularly attended by specializing doctors who participate in care and teaching activities.


Floor 4 Staircase A


Medical room 066837365

Days and Hours of Access

Days and times of access
Mon – Sun I 12.00 – 13.00 and 17.30 – 19.00

The entry and stay of family members outside these time slots must be authorized in writing by the head of the ward; this written permission must be shown whenever assistance staff is requested. 

Medical team

The Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital team is composed of a group of highly qualified and passionate experts, who work together to provide high quality care and innovative solutions. It is made up of doctors, surgeons, nurses and many other healthcare professionals specialised in a wide range of medical disciplines
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Useful numbers
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
Switchboard 06 68 371
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Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42