Here you will find answers to the most common questions you may have about our services, procedures, appointments and much more. We are here to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a comfortable and safe hospital experience. We know that addressing medical issues can be complex, but we’re here to walk you through it, providing clarity and support.
Browse the FAQs below to find the answers you’re looking for. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Your well-being is our priority and we will do our best to meet your needs.
Elected (scheduled) hospitalization can only be proposed by doctors of the Hospital after a specialist outpatient visit.
The doctor himself will send the patient to the plan secretariat of the Patient Administrative Services Office for inclusion on the waiting list.
Booking lists are distinguished by:
- Offices and factory
- Scheduled regimen (DH, Day Surgery, ordinary, ordinary with pre-hospitalisation)
- Priority level
Patients who must be pre-hospitalised are contacted by telephone and summoned to the Hospital to undergo preoperative examinations, anesthesiological examination and any further necessary investigations.
Typically, the intervention or procedure is performed within 30 days of the pre-hospitalisation date.
The costs of the examinations are covered by the Hospital, unless the patient does not show up or refuses the service.
In this case, the current legislation provides that the patient is charged the full cost of the services, according to the regional rates established in the regional nomenclature. The same principle also applies to the failure to collect reports relating to outpatient services, in accordance with National Financial Law 296/06 c 796.
The pre-hospitalisation service is carried out at the Admissions Office, located in the Patient Administrative Services Area. For information on reservations and waiting times, you can contact the aforementioned office. In addition, forms are available at the same office to exercise the rights provided for in Articles 7 and 13 of the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 196/03).
The opening hours to the public of the Patient Administrative Services Office are as follows:
At the time of hospitalization
On the day of hospitalization, you must bring an identification document, your health card and your tax code. The patient must go to the Hospital Office located in the Patient Administrative Services Area (ground floor staircase C). For foreign citizens, a passport and/or identity card is required if they are citizens of the European Community and/or a residence permit, as well as a health card (or equivalent document) and all the clinical documentation deemed useful, which will be delivered to the administrative officer who will take care of the return at the time of discharge. It is not advisable to take valuables or large amounts of money with you as the hospital cannot guarantee against any possible theft or loss of items left unattended.
Outpatient services both in agreement and in intramoenia (for a fee) can be booked:
- By phone at number 0668136911 of the C.U.P. (single booking centre)
- For the services of Dentistry under numbers 066837218 – 066837357
- At the dedicated counters inside the Hospital
In some specific cases (for example services that require preparation or special analyses) reservations must be made on site at the branches that will deliver, if required, an information sheet.
We inform patients that, as per the Dpcm of 04/03/2020 and subsequent amendments, in order to avoid gatherings, RESERVATIONS for visits and examinations can be made EXCLUSIVELY by telephone, even for those for whom the priority request is evident.
The patient who needs a new appointment requested by the doctor at the time of the visit, can book it directly at the central counters located on the ground floor. At the time of booking in compliance with the provisions of the Law, Patients who make reservations and accept them for visits or examinations in agreement, are required to present the HEALTH CARD (TEAM CARD) to the counter operator. Failure to comply with the aforementioned indication may preclude the possibility of completing the necessary procedures.
In order to offer another patient the possibility of using the Service, users are requested, in case of cancellation of the reservation, to notify at least three days before the number:
- 0668136911 active from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00
- For the services of Dentistry at numbers 06 6923 42 42 from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00 and on Saturdays from 09.00 to 12.00.
It is recalled that pursuant to paragraph 15 art.3 of Legislative Decree 24/1998 the citizen is required to pay for the service booked when he does not appear or does not announce 3 days before the impossibility of using the service. In this way, they will allow other patients to take advantage of the services already booked.
Acceptances are made at the doors of the central courtyard (entrance on the left) for most services, except for:
- Gynecology services: dedicated desk within the clinic
- Laboratory performance analysis: dedicated desk
- Dentistry services: dedicated desk at the clinic
- Oncology services: dedicated desk at the clinic (only exempt for pathologies and income)
- Cardiology services: dedicated desk at the clinic (only exempt for pathologies and income)
With reference to the Covid-19 emergency period, the acceptance of Gynaecology and Medicine services may be carried out at the Central Acceptance Courtyard (ground floor) from Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 18.30 and on Saturday from 07.30 to 12.45
Phone: 0668136911
Mon – Fri 09.00 – 12.00.
Phone: 06 6923 42 42
Mon – Friday 09.00 – 12.00 | 14.00 – 18.00
Sat 09.00 – 12.00
In the event of an exemption, it is advisable to:
- Carry the appropriate card assigned by the ASL of residence
- Check that the commitment shows the exemption code in the appropriate box and is completed in its entirety (for example: the tax code, date, stamp and signature of the doctor)
- Check that any risk conditions are explained by the prescribing doctor if required in some types of exemption and diagnosis (for example, in pregnancy at risk, the reason for the exemption must be specified as well as the pathology code so that the obligation can be valid according to regional regulations)
Compliant copies of medical records and outpatient records (where provided) can be requested by following the procedure below:
- Request at the central acceptance counters and payment of secretarial fees
- Pick-up at the Patient Administrative Services Desk (ground floor, staircase c) open from Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 18.30 (until 15.00 in August and on 24 and 31 December) and on Saturday from 07.30 to 12.45
Certified copies of Emergency Room folders can be requested by following the procedure below:
- Request at the central acceptance counters and payment of secretarial fees
- Pick-up at the Patient Administrative Services Desk (ground floor, staircase c) open from Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 18.30 (until 15.00 in August and on 24 and 31 December) and on Saturday from 07.30 to 12.45
Waiting times for the collection of copies (excluding holidays):
- 30 days for medical records with standard requests
- 10 days for medical records with urgent requests (attaching a written request from the doctor with reasons for urgency)
- 7 days for first aid kits
- 10 days for outpatient folders
Please Note: It is possible to receive medical records at home, for an additional fee at the time of request at the central reception desks. The user is required to check the correctness of the shipping address at the counter.
The booking of visits and examinations by free-profession (freelance activity) can be made at:
- The telephone CUP (0668136911) active from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00 and on Saturdays from 09.00 to 12.00
- Online
The patient can choose the professional with whom to perform the service by explicitly requesting it from the operator, the day (depending on availability), but not the time.
We inform patients that, as per the Dpcm of 04/03/2020 and subsequent amendments, in order to avoid gatherings, RESERVATIONS for visits and examinations can be made EXCLUSIVELY by telephone, even for those for whom the priority request is evident.
Both for outpatient services and for hospitalization, agreements are in place with Funds and insurance for direct payments.
It should be noted that not all doctors have chosen to carry out intramoenia free-professional activity.
The patient who requires hospitalization under the ordinary regime must:
- Be in possession of the request for hospitalization issued by a doctor belonging to our facility, after having made an outpatient visit (in an affiliated, private social or freelance regime)
- Go, with the aforementioned documentation, to the Solvent Admissions Office (ground floor, staircase B) from Monday to Saturday from 7.00 to 12.30, for the definition of the estimate and for the possible inclusion in the waiting list
- In case of acceptance of the estimate, the patient will agree with the doctor the date of admission
- Preparatory examinations, included in the total cost of the “solvent” hospitalization, can be carried out both before and on the same day of hospitalization, according to the indications provided by the doctor
- On the day of hospitalization, the patient will always go to the Solvent Hospitals Office for the formalities required and the payment of the completed hospitalization deposit, again at the same office, will make the balance payment
Any information can be requested by contacting the number 066837308 or by email by writing to
We inform you that for hospitalizations and outpatient services there are agreements with Funds and insurances for direct payments.
Pregnant women can choose to deliver intramoenia.
The reservation is made at the Solvent Hospitals Office – Ufficio Ricovero Solvent i(Ground Floor, Staircase B) about a month before the expected date of delivery, by filling out the appropriate form distributed at the office itself or collected at the obstetrics and gynecology clinic. The patient must be provided, in any case, with a statement made by the gynecologist (the only professional on the team who can be chosen) in which the latter reveals the availability of childbirth assistance.
A deposit is required at the time of booking.
The amount for the solvent room will be paid only for the days of actual use of the same. It should be noted that, given the impossibility of scheduling the day of hospitalization, bed space may not be guaranteed in case of overcrowding of the department. In this case, the cost of the hospital stay will not be charged.
The Donor Room, located on the Ground Floor, Scala D, is open on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 08.00 to 12.00
For more information and to book the donation visit the website:
Interested pregnant women can access the midwives’ surgery on Wednesday and Saturday mornings by appointment to be made by phone at 0668136911 type key 1 for gynecology) for the first screening.
Inside the Hospital, the Public Relations Office is active, which represents the meeting place between the Hospital and the user: it supports the citizen in solving problems and, at the same time, triggers a series of processes aimed at improving the hospital organization and the services performed.
To submit reports, complaints and praise you can:
- Show up in person from Monday to Saturday (08.30 – 12.30) at the appropriate counter located on the ground floor near staircase C
- Send an email to¨
- See the page dedicated to the URP