The Complex Operating Unit (UOC) of TIN, SUBTIN, Neonatal Pathology and Neonatology carries out its activity within the Centre of Excellence of Women and Nascent Child.
The UOC of Intensive and Sub-Intensive Care, Neonatal Pathology and Neonatology is a Third Level Center of Excellence and high specialization, which assists every year about 3000 births, 600 hospitalizations per year in NICU-Neonatal Pathology, of which 50 newborns with birth weight less than 1500 grams. The NICU and Neonatal Pathology care activity is aimed at both internal and external newborn patients, full-term and preterm, with pathologies that require intensive care.
The nursery care activity is aimed at both full-term and preterm newborn patients (from 35 weeks of gestation onwards), and their mother for breastfeeding and childcare practices.
Description of the structure
The Operating Unit includes:
Intensive, Subintensive Care ( 12 beds) and Neonatal Pathology (13 beds), located on the 3rd Floor of Staircase A
Services provided
The Operational Unit's care offer is divided into the following activities:
- Highly specialized assistance and care at the time of delivery and during the hospital stay of the newborn with particular attention to the care of very low weight babies, babies suffering from perinatal asphyxia and other rare diseases. The UOC devotes particular attention to the issues of "humanization" aimed at promoting the various phases of the relationship between the newborn and his family (presence of the parents in TIN, psychological support for the parenting couple) and promotes the use of breast milk as the predominant food for all newborns, even those hospitalized in TIN.
- Dedicates great attention to the continuous monitoring of pain as a fundamental vital parameter.
- Ensures the utmost attention to the problems of clinical risk, especially with regard to the administration of drugs, the efficiency of the equipment and the effectiveness of the devices used.
- Implement screening and prevention programs before and after discharge.
Main conditions treated
The main diseases treated are:
- Prematurity from the 23rd gestational weel
- Respiratory distress, with all the most advanced respiratory assistance techniques (invasive SIMV- VG, HFOV and non-invasive n-IMV, n-CPAP, high flows)
- Pulmonary hypertension (with administration of Nitric Oxide)
- Perinatal asphyxia with "Total Body" Hypothermia treatment
- Malformative diseases with particular attention to congenital heart diseases
Outpatient activity
- First post-discharge visits
- Follow-up of the preterm infant
- At-Risk Infant Surgery
- Transfontanellar ultrasound
- Neonatal and paediatric internal ultrasound
- Fetal, neonatal and paediatric echocardiography
- Cardiology Screening (ECG and Cardiology visit)