The Italian Association of Cancer Patients, Relatives and Friends (AIMaC), founded in 1997, is a Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility (onlus). The purpose of the Association is to offer:

  • information about cancer and treatments for patients, their families and friends; 
  • provide psychological support to the sick;  
  • promote initiatives to disseminate cancer information as widely as possible.

Since 2010, it has been recognized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies as AN “ORGANIZATION THAT CARRIES OUT AN ACTIVITY OF EVIDENT SOCIAL FUNCTION ON the NATIONAL TERRITORY”, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 476 of November 19, 1987.

AIMaC with a multimedia system ensures an “information therapy” to address the disease, from diagnosis to completion of treatment. In particular, AIMaC’s multimedia strategy makes use of:

  • A series of 33 booklets made in collaboration with scientific and university institutes on the main types of cancer and their treatments, on their side effects and on the best way to live with the disease
  • Website (, ready and easy to read, provides information on the various types of cancer, therapeutic treatments and their complications and support services and has obtained the HON (Health On the Net Foundation) label that certifies the scientific reliability of health sites through a careful evaluation of the data available online
  • Helpline service (Mon – Fri 9.00-19.00) civil service volunteers, specially trained and assisted by a clinical oncologist, a psychotherapist and a lawyer, answer questions regarding the disease, treatments and their side effects, access to benefits provided by the laws in the field of employment, social security and welfare. The interdisciplinary team offers sick people, their families or friends the opportunity to be heard and to express any needs for support and/or assistance, in which case they are indicated the specialized personnel and facilities to contact. This work of global reception of the person and analysis of the demand according to a bio-psycho-social paradigm involves teamwork by the various figures employed at the help-line.

    Toll-free number 840 503579
    Landline telephon 06 4825107
    Fax 06 42011216
  •  37 reception and information points (in 24 cities) at the major Italian centres for the study and treatment of cancers in which, in addition to the free distribution of information material, to facilitate contact with cancer patients and their families, volunteers from the civil service belonging to AIMaC and assigned by it at the various offices serve for 30 hours a week. These points are uniform in terms of approach to the patient and activities, dedicated to patients and their families in the major medical oncology centers
  • Oncoguida, prepared in collaboration with the ISS and the Ministry of Health, is the tool to know who to contact for diagnoses, therapeutic treatments, psychological support, rehabilitation and assistance, pain therapies and to assert their rights. It is intended for cancer patients and their families, caregivers, volunteers, administrators and health institutions
  • Forum ( created following the numerous requests received on the AIMaC help line. The forum space wants to be a virtual place where those facing cancer can meet, share their experience, talk and discuss

AIMaC also carries out lobbying activities for the rights of patients and their families. Through multiple activities, in fact, it assists the cancer patient in order to guarantee greater listening and greater rights, defending their dignity and becoming a spokesperson for their specific needs, as well as offering the necessary welfare, social and legal support.

To respond to the new needs of patients who, contrary to the past, as a result of new therapies also live with the disease for a long time, AIMaC has also promoted various research and projects to improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

AIMaC has been collaborating for many years with the Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital , through the implementation of research projects, scientific initiatives and dissemination events in the field of oncology. At the Hospital there is an Information Point where civil service volunteers answer questions regarding the disease, access to benefits provided by the laws in the field of employment, social security and welfare. Information material can be consulted and received free of charge at the Point.

The Information Point is located in the Oncology Waiting Room, second floor, staircase C.

For more information you can consult the website or call:




Street Barberini, 11
00187 Roma



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Cup SSN 06 6813 69 11
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
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Cup SSN 06 6813 69 11
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
ReCUP Regione Lazio 06 99 39